Category Archives: Belly Tales

In Pictures

I am finally sitting down to sort through the birth pictures!  Life with three has not been as hard as I thought it would be. There has been some tough moments, like anything else, but for the most part it has been “easy”.

The Man started taking pictures shortly after I got in the pool. Pam and the students took turns taking some during the birth.

These are some of the birth kit supplies.



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This is while I was having a contraction. I would exhale into the water and watch the ripples in the water. It helped me relax.


Melissa, one of the students, checking the baby’s heart rate.


This was my position during contractions once I entered transition. The Man would push on my lower back during the length of the contraction. It felt like my back was splitting, the counter pressure was so nice.


The oldest sister enjoying the moment! She was so excited to be able to watch Baby Sister’s birth.

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The Man applying that wonderful pressure while I pushed!


She came so fast! It is the most amazing feeling in the world to catch your own child. Nothing else like it. I was in an emotional high for a week.


Laughing with joy.


We realized the cord was tangled up pretty good. Under her right let, through the armpit and around the back of her neck.


Alicia, the other student, helping me untangle the chord.


She was so peaceful, so quiet, so beautiful.


Big Sister on top of Daddy to get a better view.

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Checking her heart rate.

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The smaller sister coming in to see her baby.


Nana and the Pumpkin.

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My favorite picture. Making eye contact!


The placenta was delivered, the water got bloody. We waited for the chord to stop pulsing and Daddy cut it.

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Proud big sisters.



You can read the birth story here.

Birth Story of Number Three

After having false labor at 35 weeks, stopped with a glass of wine and after having false labor at 35 weeks, stopped with a glass of wine and a false alarm only a week later (when my midwives came by, but my contractions stopped right after they got here), finally, at 38 weeks and 6 days, Saturday, November 3rd, my water broke.

I was laying in bed and was awaken by a weird feeling “down there”, like some kind of pressure, almost like I had to pee, but suddenly, I felt a “pop” and a little trickle of warm liquid coming out. “I think my water just broke!”  I told The Man, even though I knew he was deeply asleep. I got up and went to the bathroom, thinking maybe I really just had to pee. I sat on the toilet and went, but right after I felt another trickle. Okay, it really is my water, I thought, excitedly. I grabbed my phone, it was 5:45 a.m., I called Pam. She answered and I could hear distress in her voice.

“Good morning!” I said cheerily.

“No, it’s not!” she answered back. Knowing Pam, I just burst out laughing, because I knew she was either on her way to a birth or at another birth.

“Okay…how far apart are they?”

“No, I’m not having contractions yet, but my water just broke.”

“Okay, good, do me a favor and go back to bed. Silvia, you are the third lady to call within five minutes!”

Poor Pam, all I could do was laugh. She said to call her if anything started happening but that she might not have a chance to check up on me. Then, by that time, The Man was of course awake, and told me to go back to bed. How could I?! My baby was coming soon!

I put on a pad and did try to go back to sleep, but excitement got the best of me and I got up again and put some laundry away. Later I lay down again, knowing I would need my energy, I didn’t sleep but just waited for any sign of my labor starting up.

Soon the sun was out and we got up, had some breakfast and picked up the house. Pam checked in with me around 8:45, I was getting contractions, but not anything close at all. We started letting family and close friends know that today was going to be the day. My mom wanted to head over right away, but I told her she didn’t need to, I would let her know when labor started. I was excited to tell The Bundle that her littlest sister would soon come!

We asked Patty, the photographer who was to take pictures, to come by so that she would know how to get to our house. She said Saturday was the perfect day for her to take them because she was going to be very busy the next day. She left and we told her we would call her when it was time.

At eleven, Alicia, one of the student midwives was heading over. Pam was still at one of the births and had missed another, where Alicia had assisted with a backup midwife.

My water kept leaking, all. day. long. Soon the pads were not cutting it, so I put on one of The Pumpkin’s disposable diapers. Ahh, much better 😉  By the time Alicia got here, sometime around noon, I was already discouraged. Anxious for my contractions to start. I kept myself busy by finishing a headboard I had wanted to have done before the baby came. What better time, right? I was so excited for how well it turned out. My mom also came around this time, going right to work, of course. All she does during my labors is cook, it keeps her mind occupied.

Alicia checked the baby’s heart rate, but she noticed that the baby was posterior so she couldn’t get a good reading. She had me do some pelvic tilts on the floor, after just two, I felt her move, so I sat down on the couch again so she could listen, soon after she turned again. I didn’t think much of it, but I should have…

When Pam arrived, she found me doing my hair. It was around two, she took a shower, because she had come straight from the other birth. The other student, Melissa, got there around the same time as Pam. My mom made us all lunch (including the midwives, why shouldn’t we feed the midwives?!).

Then around 3 p.m. I took The Bundle with me on a walk. Hoping it would kick start labor. I took a lot more walks that afternoon, but nothing happened. Pam would reassure me that once things started, they would move pretty fast, so she wasn’t going anywhere. Sometime after dinner (tamales, yum) I asked to be checked, just because I wanted to know if I was progressing at all. Pam agreed, but she had to do a “dry” check because since my water had broken, there was a risk of infection. I was a four, almost a five, but my cervix was very high and the baby was (still) posterior. So she had me do lots and lots of pelvic tilts. Later, The Man and I took one last walk, hoping this one would finally get things going. But it didn’t.

When we got back, I decided I would do my pregnancy workout video; maybe all that movement might do something. All it did was make a fool out of myself in front of my midwives. Haha!

Around 10 p.m. my sweet friend, Sarah came by to pray for us. It was so sweet of her to do that, we prayed and she gave me some encouragement. After she left, I lay down with The Pumpkin, who was still awake. While I was lying there, I cried, because I just wanted things to start, and because I had hoped that things would go so much faster this time, especially since my water had broken and because I felt bad that my midwives had been here for so long. Pam came in my room sometime after that, she told me to get some rest, that I would need, it. I decided I would shower before going to sleep. It was around midnight when I finally lay down.

Everyone went to bed, Pam and Alicia camped out in the living room and Melissa went in her car. My mom and my dad (who had gotten here a few hours before) slept in their van, with their pillows and blankets they came prepared with.

I had a couple strong contractions while I slept, then around 3 a.m. I woke up and went to out to get some water. Pam asked me how I was doing; I told her “the same”. She asked me what I wanted to do, how long I was willing to wait until we started talking about maybe stripping my membranes or even taking some castor oil. I told her I wasn’t sure. I wasn’t afraid that I was going to be transferred to the hospital; I just wanted things to get going. She told me to start by drinking “a ton of water”, I’m not sure what for, but it might get things started.

While sitting there chatting, Pam’s phone rings. It was a husband, calling for his wife in labor. This was her seventh child, or something like that, it was going to be fast. So Pam started gathering up, Alicia was to stay with me, while Pam and Melissa went along to assist the other lady.

I am not lying: as Pam was walking out the door, I got my first contraction.

Maybe it was the fact that I felt like I was not “under pressure” to finally start having contractions or maybe it was just time, but almost exactly 23 hours after my water broke, labor had finally started. I prayed and thanked God that my labor had finally started and I asked for a safe delivery.

I sat there, looking at the humor section on Pinterest, because that always makes me laugh and puts me in a good mood. I kept having them, they were maybe ten minutes apart, and soon, they were seven. They weren’t painful; they just felt like strong period cramps. I remember Alicia asking me if I wanted her to call a backup midwife, but I didn’t think it was necessary, that maybe we could let them know to be on alert. Alicia then told me that Pam was on her way back because the other lady’s contractions had stopped right before she arrived.

We decided to go ahead and start filling up the pool, by that time my contractions were probably 3-5 minutes apart. It felt good to squat down during the contractions; I would breathe in and out very deeply. We boiled some water to add to the pool to make sure it was nice and warm.

Pam and Melissa got back as we were finishing up with the pool. We texted Patty to see if she would be able to come take the pictures, but she couldn’t because was getting ready to head out of town for a shoot.

The Man went in our bedroom where the girls were sleeping and covered up the windows with black curtains so they would stay asleep a bit longer. We were planning on having The Bundle watch, but if we could keep The Pumpkin asleep through it, that would be wonderful.

Not too long after that, my contractions were getting more intense and I asked Pam if I should get in the pool, she said to wait a little bit longer. Then, I see The Pumpkin walking down the hallway! It wasn’t even 6 in the morning yet! She was whiny and wanted me. The Man went to get my mom so she could keep her occupied. The Bundle woke up right after that, my mom took The Pumpkin to her car with my dad and the Bundle stayed inside.

Then I knew it was time to get in the pool, I need some relief. The first contraction in the pool felt amazing. Well, you know what I mean… it felt less intense 😉 We decided to call Sarah, to see if she wanted to come and take pictures because we knew she would love to be at the birth. She didn’t answer, so I texted her letting her know. That was almost 7 a.m.

I remember The Bundle would come by me and talk to me asking and whining to get in the pool with me. Up to that point, I had kept very in control during my surges, but I lost “concentration” during the time that she was there. The Man explained to her that she couldn’t whine and that she couldn’t get in the pool with me and that if she kept doing it she would have to go sit in the car with Tata (my dad). After that, she would come in and out of that room. Once she started say something to me and stopped herself and asked Daddy, “Is Mama feeling okay?” It was so sweet to hear her motherly love in her voice.

While I was in the pool, I smelled bacon cooking. My mom was making breakfast for everybody, a full breakfast including homemade flour tortillas. I remember the midwives eating and my mom brought some to the girls back to her car. The Man kept by my side the whole time, he was such a great support, my doula! After a while, I asked him to put more warm water in the pool because I was getting a bit cold.

I sat in the pool resting my back on the edge between contractions, but when I would get one, I would turn and lean my body on the edge and look down into the water, breathing in and out. Looking at the ripples that my breath made helped me stay focused. Sometimes I would tell myself “focus” or “ride the wave, ride the wave”… telling myself to embrace the contractions.

One of the midwives came by to listen to the baby, she was good. Pam also noted that it looked like the baby had finally turned, because of the way my belly looked. Soon after that, I started feeling intense pain in my back. Transition. I changed my position during a contraction after that. I got on my hands and knees and asked The Man to apply pressure on my lower back. I started feeling a lot more pressure in my abdomen as well; it felt good to push against that pain.

I had planned on letting my body push the baby out this time, but I don’t remember my body actually pushing. I told Pam that I had started pushing; she asked if I felt like pushing or if it was just pushing because it felt good. She said not to push too hard yet, to make sure that it was actually time or that she could do a cervical check to make sure the cervix was completely out of the way. I said I could wait. I hate cervical checks.

Maybe two or three contractions later, I knew I had to push, my body just needed to push against the intense pressure I was feeling. So I started pushing. My back felt like it was breaking and the pressure that The Man provided was very helpful. I didn’t push very long, around 15 minutes. I tried to see if I could feel her head after one of the contractions, I felt her head but I didn’t touch it, I remember telling Pam. Then another contraction after that, I felt her head coming down, then right after I was stopped pushing, she went back up a little bit. Pam gave me some castor oil and asked me to put apply it down there.

The next contraction, I lost it. I lost my concentration, I knew I was about to crown, they asked The Man to put his hand on the back and me to support around the front but I told them I couldn’t. “I can’t do it, I can’t do it” I remember saying, not sure if I was saying that about supporting my perineum or doing it in general. Pam said some words of encouragement.

Then I pushed, a very hard push, and she crowned. Alicia reached in to assist me.
“Full crown.” She soon said. I tried to keep my breathing steady. I was at my loudest, it burned. Another push and her head was out. Then another and her shoulders hurt as bad as the head. She slipped out and got a hold of her body and I sat up and I held her. She was out, and it hurt and it was the most amazing feeling in the world. Exactly twenty-eight hours after my water broke, at 8:45 a.m. my baby was born. I caught my own baby!

She was so beautiful, white, fully covered in vernix. She didn’t cry. She was so quiet.
We noticed her cord was wrapped around her. Her leg was caught in it and it came up around her armpit and neck. Alicia helped me untangle her, then Pam brought a towel to keep her warm and she rubbed her back trying to get a good reaction out of her.
Pam said to talk to her, The Man and I both did, I rubbed her back, trying to get her to respond, to cry. I wasn’t scared. I heard here quiet breathing, and felt her beautiful grasp around my finger. Pam suctioned her mouth and she coughed and let out a little cry. She was fine. She was Mama’s perfect baby. She looked straight into my eyes, so aware!

Soon I felt a contraction and I told Pam the placenta was coming. Another contraction and a push and it was out. I wished babies were as squishy as placentas. 😉 We made sure the cord had stopped pulsing and Daddy cut the cord. I handed the baby to The Man, and let out a big cry then. I was helped out of the pool and into my bed. They brought the baby and she latched right away, with no help at all. She nursed for a long time, while Melissa fed me breakfast.

Pam examined me, and was excited to tell me I had a very tiny tear and didn’t need any stitches. Soon after, Melissa helped me take a shower. Clean and in my own bed I rested while we examined the baby. She was so peaceful, looking around while they measured and weighed her. She was 7 pounds 6 ounces, my smallest baby! She measured 20 inches long and she was just perfect.

After cleaning up and making sure the baby and I were well, my wonderful midwives left. And we were home. The beauty of home births is that you are comfortable in your own environment, free to enjoy your little one and to bond right away with your family. The big sisters were so excited to hold their new baby. It was just beautiful. I stared into this new little life’s face, taking her in and thanking God for a beautiful and successful birth.

Pictures to follow.

The birth kit is here!

My birth kit arrived today! It is always an exciting pregnancy milestone, remember last time? I had received a notification in my email that it was expected to come today, so I patiently waited all day.

Right after we got done having lunch is when I heard the UPS man pull up. I ran to my bedroom to grab my camera and ran back to the door and quickly snapped a picture of him. He must have thought I was the strangest person, his look on his face was priceless…and it made me embarrassed!

The girls were so interested in all the commotion I was making.

So they helped me open it.

And if you are curious about what exactly comes in a birth kit, here is a list:

  • Underpads, to protect the bed/couch when you lay on it
  • More underpads, different size
  • Poly backed sheets, again, for protecting the bed/covers
  • Guaze
  • Sterile Exam gloves
  • Non sterile exam gloves
  • OB Pad, not sure which one that is
  • Peri bottle for post-partum
  • Bendy straws for drinking during labor
  • Sexy underwear
  • Feminine pads
  • Little hat for baby
  • Tape measure
  • Bulb Syringe
  • Goldenseal Capsules for the baby’s bellybutton
  • Scrub brush for the midwife to clean and prep her hands/arms before the birth
  • Cord ring

That’s it, pretty simple, you don’t need much.


Next, we will be waiting for the birth pool….oooh, more excitement! It’s getting so close!



Her Baba

It has been a gradual process, but The Pumpkin has been self-weaning for the last few weeks. I think it began with my milk going away at the beginning of my second trimester, gearing up to make colostrum. Prior to that we had a battle going on, I honestly didn’t want to continue breastfeeding her, she went through a period where she would nurse a lot night (only once or twice throughout the day) and it scared me, thinking it would go on when I got bigger and more uncomfortable in bed, but I knew it best to let her work it out on her own timing. It magically started happening on its own. She started asking for babas (bottles), she gets them before her nap at Nana’s house when I work. As she started letting go of nursing, she became more attached to her coconut milk babas.

It’s a bittersweet time, she will be two years old in two months, and she is losing her baby-ness more and more everyday. I wanted to capture this special milestone in both of our lives together with her beloved baba. I’m tearing up just thinking about our special bond we had for almost two years, she still asks for it at night for comfort, but quickly switches to her baba.

I will miss her wandering hand as she nursed, tugging at my hair, squeezing my nose. I will miss those big, piercing eyes staring at me. I will miss her crazy, moving legs that I would try to get still without success.

For a tiny moment, I try to get time to stay still…

The Water Park

Tonight, as I drove up the driveway coming home from work, I was not prepared for what I was about to see. Not only were both of the girls in their bathing suits, but Daddy as well, standing in the middle of the driveway, spraying water at himself with the hose.

I could not stop laughing! And then, I also saw this: The Bundle in a plastic tub. Reminds me of a couple of years ago

And Little Sister enjoying the hose.

Sometimes a dip, too.

Then The Bundle asked me to join them and put on my bathing suit. So I did 😉

I took the opportunity to have The Man snap a picture of my growing belly. Today I am 20 weeks, half-way, I can’t believe it!

After a few tries, he couldn’t get good focus, so I took out the tripod…. hehe.

And the girls wanted to join.

The Man explained that this was the “poor people’s water park”. The other night, we saw a commercial on t.v. announcing a new water park for kids opening in the city and The Bundle has been talking about it ever since. So Daddy made her one.

And she had a blast.

Even had a second run after dinner, she said it counted as her bath 😉

The Birth Story in Pictures

Here I am sitting in the birthing stool, I'm showing Rachel a scar on my leg, this was around 2:30 p.m.


Walking, walking, walking 🙂

The Man hooking up the hose to fill the pool, around 5:30 p.m.


Rachel, Pam, Jennifer

One last picture of the both of us pregnant. The Man's sister and I.


Mawni and Pam getting the pool ready right before I got in


Another contraction and Rachel applying pressure on my back



I have no recolection of talking and smiling at Pam



Thank you, Lord



Trying to nurse while still in the pool

The Man, holding his daughter for the first time





The Birth Story

Sunday October 3rd,the Bundle woke us up, asking for an apple or yogurt, I can’t remember now. It was seven in the morning, I got up and got her pre-breakfast snack and noticed I was having “strong” contractions. I had been having contractions for weeks, but these were different, there was cramping along with tightening. I didn’t want to get excited, after all, it was still 5 days before my “due” date and I  had lots things I needed to get done that week. After eating her apple, the Bundle and I went in her play room and played, The Man was getting ready to go to practice music for church that morning, he plays for our church’s praise team. After about an hour, I decided to time them, and they were 3-4 minutes apart. I mentioned it to The Man, but they weren’t painful or lasting very long, so I told him I wasn’t sure if it was actually happening. He left go to practice, and would come back before 9 to pick us up to go to Sunday school.

I decided to make flour tortillas for breakfast, I’m not sure why I did that, it takes me a long time to make a batch, and having only been making them for a couple of months, I’m not very good at it yet. So there I was, making tortillas and timing contractions. They stayed regular the whole time The Man was gone, when he came back, I hadn’t started getting ready for Sunday school yet. We ate breakfast, and decided not to go to class. We started picking up the house, The Man was such a good sport, he remembered me telling him that when I went into labor, I wanted to make sure the house was clean and presentable, so he picked up the living room and the bedroom while I started to wash the tiny diapers I had ready for the Pumpkin. I still didn’t accept that it could be the real thing!

Then The Man told me to call Pam, our midwife, I didn’t really think it was time to call her to come, but I wanted to give her a heads up. The Man’s biggest fear about our homebirth was Pam not making it in time for the birth, since she’s about an hour away, so he was a bit paranoid about me calling her, “If you don’t, I will” he told me. So, I called her, I told her what was going on and she decided to start getting ready and then head our way, I told her I’d hate for her to come down and me not really be in labor (I still didn’t believe I was 😛 ) “I’d rather be there early than late” she said. We continued to clean the house, then the Man left again to play music at the actual church service. I did the dishes and then went for a walk with The Bundle, she was riding in her wagon and was having a blast. During the walk my contractions got up to 2 minutes apart, sometimes less, and they were getting intense. I started to panic a bit, this might just be a fast labor! So I decided to call my mom, and let her know what was going on, I didn’t want to call her too soon, because I knew she would be a nervous wreck (and she was 😉 ). She didn’t believe me at first, I told her not to hurry but that she should plan on heading to my house, right after I said that I got another contraction that was pretty intense and I said “Okay, maybe you should hurry.” Oops and I didn’t want to freak her out 😉  I also decided to text Rachel, my doula, since things seemed to be going pretty fast, I told her Pam was on her way.

I got back home from the walk and started another load of laundry, and my contractions spread out and were not as intense, I got really disappointed. The Man came back from church and told him what was going on, then my mom arrived, and shortly after The Man’s mom came, too. Pam arrived with Jennifer, her student midwife, around noon and asked me if I wanted to be checked, I agreed, because I wanted to be certain I was in labor. She checked me and I was 3cm dilated and about 85% effaced but my cervix was still posterior, so while I had a contraction, Pam tried to pull my cervix forward to see if it would stay. Let me just say, it was one of the most painful things about the whole labor! Pam and Jennifer left to go get some lunch and she suggested I do some squats to get the baby to come down lower. After they left, I decided I’d go for a walk again, since I had a lot of activity during my previous walk. While I was walking Rachel, my doula, got there, she parked her car and walked with me. I, again, felt a bit embarrassed, like I did with Pam and Jennifer because I thought things would go faster when it first started and by that time it seemed like it would be a while.

My mom made lunch and we ate. The rest of the afternoon was basically a lot of squats and walking squats and lunges, I wanted to keep active, to help move things along. Sometimes when I would go to the bathroom I would secretly do some jumping jacks 😉 (ssshh.. don’t tell anyone!) My contractions started lasting longer, but were still not really painful, just a lot of pressure. Rachel had me squat holding on to a piano we have in our house and breathe during these contractions. Sometime in the afternoon I lay down to try to take a nap and save up some energy, but I couldn’t really get myself to sleep. I had a few contractions while I was laying down and they lasted longer and were pretty intense, it was a strange feeling, I can’t really explain it. Let me try: it was my belly getting really tight, with menstrual-like cramping on the bottom part of my belly and lower-back pain, all at the same time, it doesn’t really explain the sensation, just what was going on. So, I decided to get up and get moving, it wasn’t fun laying down.

I started losing my plug around this time, I would see a little bit every time I went to the bathroom, which was quite often since they were keeping me well hydrated! It was very exciting for me to see the plug, it was reassurance that I was making progress even if I wasn’t in pain. Pam mentioned to me a few times that I was “too happy” in labor, so I kept waiting for it to get worse. Pam checked me for the second time in my whole pregnancy and I was at a 6, I was hoping I was more, but I tried not to let it get to me. I lay down once again, I was getting tired and my legs were getting sore  from walking and squatting so much, I wanted to rest for the “main event”. As with the first time I lay down, my contractions were way more intense than when standing, and walking around, I only got about two or three while I was resting, but thankfully I was able to doze off for a bit. Around 5:30 they started filling up the pool, it had been blown up and ready since Thrusday night, when we washed it and got it ready….just in case 😉

It was around 7 o’clock when the sun was going down, Rachel suggested we’d go for a walk again, before it got too dark. The Man came along, and I’m very glad he did, because during this last walk was when I actually started having “pain”.  We were walking up the hill on our road when I got  my first one, I had to lean on a fence or trash can –I can’t remember now — close my eyes and breathe through it. We kept walking and when I had another one, Rachel applied counter pressure on my lower back and that felt amazing since that’s where I was getting most of the pain. By the end of the walk I had to lean on The Man while Rachel applied pressure. On the way down the hill, I could feel I had to pee and it got harder and harder to hold it with every contraction, we were walking up our driveway when, ladies and gentlemen, it felt like the child pushed right on my bladder and I peed my pants. Yep, it was quite amusing, all I could do was laugh. And pee.

We went inside, I changed clothes, then Pam checked me for the third  time, just to make sure my water had not broken (I was hoping it had, to make it less embarrassing for me :p) . I’m not exactly sure, but I think I was at an 8 and fully effaced. And, no, my bag was still intact. I started getting nauseous and gagging around this time, but I didn’t throw up, I also was really cold, I had to change into pants and wear a bath robe to keep warm. This is when I texted my friend Kaleen to come over, it was around 8:30 p.m., she was to take pictures of the birth. We also decided to take a few pictures of my belly and some with The Man’s sister, who is pregnant, due pretty soon.  My contractions were about two minutes apart, I was able to go about as normal between them, but when I got them, I had to grab on to The Man, and try to vocalize “aaaah” while breathing deeply, Rachel was also always there to apply that wonderful pressure on my splitting pelvis. Seriously, this is a more accurate description, it wasn’t really pain, it just felt like my bones were splitting, opening up, and essentially, that’s exactly was it was doing, as the baby was making her way down.

Kaleen got there just a few minutes before I got in the pool, which was about 9 o’clock. The water was warmer then I expected, but not too warm, it was perfect. It was really nice to finally be in the pool and be able to relax….if only for a minute! I couldn’t relax when I got my first contraction in the water, I needed my counter pressure! Rachel was able to reach over and do it for a while. I think around my third contraction in the pool, I felt a weird air bubble and then The Man exclaimed “Her water just broke!” and sure enough, I look down and I see it still gushing out. I was excited, she would be here soon! Every time I would get a contraction, everyone in the room would get so quiet, it was kinda eerie to me, so I remember telling them,  “You guys are too quiet,” and asked The Man go turn some music on, from our church website.

At first, I was just sitting normal in the pool, but I soon discovered that it was much more comfortable to lean up against the side of the pool during a contraction, so that’s what I would do. At some point, I started loosing track of my surroundings and just stayed inside myself, it sounds odd, but that’s what it felt like. I faintly remember Pam checking the baby’s heart rate with her doppler and then dropping it in the water, then someone asked me if I had a blow dryer, in the bathroom, in a drawer, I remember saying. I wasn’t nervous that the doppler wasn’t working, but it seemed everyone around me was. Then eventually they got it working again and they were able to check the heart rate, which was perfect.

I hadn’t been paying attention to much of the music playing, but suddenly the one playing stood out, I didn’t like it, “Babe, change the song, I don’t like that one,” I said to The Man, although now, I have no idea which song that was. So my Man did as I said. Then during a contraction, I felt my body start to push by itself, I actually said out loud “She’s pushing!”. I had read about your body pushing the baby out, the woman not having to do it, I still didn’t believe it was actually happening to me, it was awesome! After that, with every contraction, I would try to push  a little bit, but I wasn’t giving in, I wasn’t pushing hard enough and I knew it. I was afraid that it would hurt, my biggest fear of childbirth was crowning, and if I pushed, I knew I would feel it. “I’m scared!” I said out loud, I remember hearing Pam say some comforting words, letting me know I could do it. I kept pushing, slowly, but I wasn’t making much progress. Then, I remembered I hadn’t put an outfit and a diaper with the birth kit like I had planned! It seemed imperative at the moment, so I asked The Man to get some from the room. I heard some chuckles and then Pam said, “He’ll get it later, we don’t want him to miss it.”  I kept pushing, but it hurt! I was afraid. Then God sent me a most beautiful gift. I heard “Bring the Rain” by Mercy Me, that beautiful song that had helped me through the difficult time we went through with the Pumpkin. I heard it faintly at first, and then it got louder, and I could hear the lyrics, and a dam of emotions was about to burst open. But I didn’t let it. I wasn’t going to cry, I would be strong. God was reminding me that He was there with me. He was giving me strength. So, I began to push, really push. Yes, it hurt, but the sooner I got through with it, the sooner I would see her. Pam asked me if I wanted to reach down and feel her, so I felt in there and I could feel her head and noticed she had a lot of hair! I was zoning out between contractions, I was actually starting to dream when I would have another contraction. I could hear directions while I was pushing, telling me to relax and go “aaahh” (if you relax your mouth, it helps relax your muscles). I would start out good, but as I pushed it would hurt so my “aaaahhh” would turn into a “AAAAAAHHH!!” After my contraction was over I found myself breathing really loudly and fast. Then I would hear Pam telling me to slow my breathing down. There she was, so close to coming out, I could feel her, then while waiting for another surge, she went back up “and there she goes” someone said.  I was so disappointed. So I pushed harder the next time and soon she crowned, and it hurt, but it felt so good to finally do it. Jennifer was giving The Man instructions to get ready to catch her. Another push and her head was out! They made sure her cord was not around her neck. Then another push and she came out, at 10:10 p.m. The most amazing feeling in the world. She was out. She gave a shriek. She was on my chest. Beautiful. She was all mine. And she was perfect.

She was crying and I talked to her, caressed her, telling her Mama was there. “I did it! I did it” I couldn’t stop smiling. Then I gave thanks to God, for giving me an amazing home birth, experience and a beautiful daughter. I tried to nurse her, but she was having trouble latching because she was still crying, then the cord had stopped pulsing, so we were getting ready to cut, but The Man didn’t want to do it! Silly Man! My mom was too afraid, and so was Mawni, so Kaleen did it! Then the placenta was delivered and I was ready to get out of the water! They helped me to a recliner in the living room and I fed the Pumkin. She nursed a quite a while. My mom brought me dinner and I devoured it, I hadn’t realized I was so hungry. After about an hour on the recliner, they helped me in the shower, I cleaned up and got checked out. I had only a small tear and didn’t need any stitches! We weighed the babe and we couldn’t believe it, she was 8 pounds even! My guess had been 7!

The Bundle slept through it all, she had been so excited all day, she wanted to get in the pool, but she fell asleep shortly before I got in the pool. She didn’t take a nap, so she was overly tired. She did wake up around 5:30 in the morning when the Pumpkin was crying while I changed her diaper and she was so excited. “Look who is here?” I said, she stood up and climbed over The Man, “Baby Sister?!” She kissed her, and lay down next to her and said to wanted to sleep next to her.

If God gives us more children I will definitely have them at home. It’s so nice to be able to be in the comfort of your own home, but most importantly to not be pushed with drugs, even if you say you don’t want them. It’s so nice to have a team that supports you and believes that, given time, your body will do the work it was designed to do.  I had an awesome group of ladies who are experienced and knowledgeable, thank you so much Pam, Jennifer and Rachel!

It’s here, it’s here!

It’s amazing how dramatically a little brown box can change your mood.

The Bundle and I were having lunch yesterday, when we heard the mail truck driving down our driveway. I looked out the window and sure enough, there it was, my sweet little package. My birth kit.


“Come on, Bundle! Let’s go get Mama’s birth kit!” So we get our shoes and head outside. Then The Bundle calls Charlie, our dog, “Charlie, come, we get Mama’s birf it.”


And here it is, in all it’s lime-green-glory.



In case you are wondering what a birth kit may contain, here is a little peek inside. It contains mostly absorbent pads of all sorts, shapes and sizes and a few necessities for the Pumpkin.





Some of us are very enthralled with this green tote.


We even lay and keep it company. Yep.



Later that afternoon, The Bundle said my favorite sentence she’s ever spoken out of her mouth:

“You cited, Mama, you cited? Bay Thither coming in the water soon!”
